
Many thanks to the local and national firms who sponsor events at the Chiswick Book Festival each year, or give their services free, helping to underwrite the Festival and supporting our charities.  If you would like to know more about sponsoring events at the 7-14 September 2022 Festival, please email

Diamond partners – 2021

We are particularly grateful to St Michael & All Angels Church and the Diamond sponsors of the 2021 Chiswick Book Festival:
Savills, which is sponsoring ‘Marvellous Memoirs’ – the events with Alvin Rakoff, Gyles Brandreth and Ed Balls;
The Arts Society Chiswick, sponsor of ‘The Mitford Sisters, Chiswick and The Pursuit of Love’.
University of West London,
sponsor of ‘Still Breathing’ and venue for ‘The Ealing Sessions at UWL’.
The Chiswick Calendarsponsor of ‘The Chiswick Calendar Sessions at the George IV’ and 
Waterstones Chiswick
, which is selling the authors’ books at our venues.

Gold partners – 2021

Thanks too to our Gold sponsors:
Andrew Nunn & Associatessponsor of the Chiswick Playhouse sessions;
Bown Design & Buildsponsor of ‘The Mitfords and Anthony Burgess in Chiswick’ exhibition; 
Chiswick Auctions,
sponsor of the ‘Why no plaque for Anthony Burgess?’ session and its Valuations gazebo;
Fine & Country, sponsor of ‘Fine Fiction at The Chiswick Cinema’:
Think Jeannie, sponsor of our social media activity;
and venue partners Chiswick House & Gardens Trust, Chiswick Playhouse, Hogarth’s House, The George IV and The Chiswick Cinema

Children’s Book Festival partners – 2021

Chiswick & Bedford Park School logoorchard-house-school-logoTrotters logo RT Cash Desk AW1

We are also very grateful to our Children’s Book Festival sponsors:
Orchard House School (Rob Biddulph) (Young People’s Poetry Competition)
Chiswick & Bedford Park Preparatory School (Pippi Longstocking)
Falcons Pre-Preparatory School Chiswick (Really Big Pants Theatre Company)
Trotters, and
Young Veterinary Partnership (Animalympics)

Venue Partners – 2021

St Michael & All Angels Church & Parish Hall
ArtsEd (The Arts Educational Schools)
Chiswick & Bedford Park Preparatory School (Nursery)
Chiswick House & Gardens
The Chiswick Cinema (Screen 3)
Chiswick Playhouse and Tabard  Pub (refreshments)
George IV (Fuller’s Pub)
Hogarth’s House,
Orchard House School (Early years annexe)
University of West London

We also receive great support from WestEastDesignChiswickbuzzChiswickbuzz Book ClubDotWebDesign which runs our website, The Post Room Cafe and Antonio at Cafe2U. Thanks too to Stephen Foster of Foster Books for donating the prize in our Blue Plaques competition (right).

And thanks to all our authors and volunteers, whose presence and support helps us raise money for our charities.