Young People’s Poetry Competition 2016

poetry-prizegiving-29759585546_f9599b090a_zChildren in Years 3-7 from schools all over the local area compete annually for the Chiswick Book Festival’s poetry competition for young people, now in its sixth year.  Young people are invited to write a poem at home, or at school, about whatever appeals to them.

Award-winning children’s author Cressida Cowell presented the prizes to this year’s winners (right). They all received books kindly donated by Trotters in Turnham Green Terrace. The competition is also supported by

You can see pictures of other groups of winners in our Flickr Picture Gallery and read the winning poems for yourself at Waterstones in Chiswick High Road. The poems are now on display for a limited time only on the glass doors of the shop.

Things we liked – by the chair of the judges

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